1 . A case that was left unsolved

Riiiiiiiiinnnnnggggggg! Riiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnggggggg!
  It was the fifth time James had rung the doorbell, yet there was no response. James had just returned after 4 days of business trip. Sure he was tired but , he was excited to return home and to meet his beloved wife, Sue. Just thinking about her would bring a smile on his face. She just had something magical in her which made his life special. He could not imagine his life without her. Before meeting Sue, James was all alone. He had no idea of family as he was an orphan from the beginning of his life. He was completely unknown to the feeling of love and happiness until he met Sue.


   James was tapping his foot on the floor as he pushed the doorbell for the last time.Why wasn't Sue answering ? he thought. He called her twice on her mobile but still no answer. He could hear the faint ringtone of her mobile phone from upstairs. What was wrong ? Was she asleep ? or was she Sick ? or maybe she had forgotten her mobile phone and left out for some reason . Several questions crossed James' mind as he fished out the spare key from his bag.

   The lock ticked and the door open with an unusual creak. James stepped inside , holding his bag in one hand and closing the door with another. James loved to return home.  He felt as  he had a place where he truly belonged. He always felt as if the entire house welcomed him whenever he returned home. But this time it seemed something different. He felt the air somewhat strange.He felt as if he was not welcome at all.Instead of the smell of freshly baked cookies , the house was filled with stink.

  "Sue ? Honey are you home ? " he called , but there was still no sound. His footsteps echoed in the hallway as he entered the living room and flicked the lights on. The living room was in disarray . The flower vase along with the  T.V set was on the floor, glass shards all over the floor. He quickly rushed towards the kitchen, sweat dripping down his back. The kitchen was too a complete mess with all the plates broken and the forks on the walls as if they were used as darts.James felt his heart leap into his throat as the thought of Sue crossed his mind.

  " No, no ,no anything but her !!!"

He sprinted towards the the stairs that led to their bedroom with the speed of a panther. As he reached the room , he turned the door knob constantly praying for Sue to be alright. What would he do if something happened to her ? How could he stay alive without her ?

The door opened and James fell on the floor at the sight of complete horror before him. His face grew pale and he felt as if his heart was about to explode as he stared at the love of his life.
Sue was lying on the floor  face down , in a pool of blood with a crucifix in her hand. There was a pentagon drawn on the wall with blood just above where she lied.


In about an hour , the house was flooded with police and detectives investigating the scenario. The detectives were clicking the photos of the scene as the police sealed the place with yellow tape.
James was rushed to the hospital due to sudden heart attack. It was just too much for him to bear. He had witnessed the end of his life by his own eyes .......... unable to do anything.

Months later.................... the police and detectives investigating the case still had no lead on the case , there were no clues at all. The case looked like suicide but also like  murder at the same time. There was no link to it at all. James had lost the ability to talk and think after witnessing such  horror. Unable to be solved , the case was closed.

But the question still remains ............................................................................................................ What had actually happened during those four days ?


  1. hello people !!!!
    This isn't the end of the story there's a lot more coming !!!!
    be sure to read all the further parts and do leave a comment for sure.

  2. Wow Sammy very nice👌👌👌👌👍👍👍

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Anuj Sharma . keep reading for more exciting experience.

  4. Hey there!

    So you've definitely set up a good plotline, and I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes. I would pay attention to the use of passive voice throughout your writing and cut it out when possible. While it may be grammatically correct, any good editor or seasoned reader will want it taken out. You can read more about that here: https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/passive-voice/

    Again, you've got the great makings of a storyline here, and I think it's great you're making the story from a different gender's point of view.

    Keep it up!

    -Eleanor Rose
    Writer for the Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction Youtube Channel

    1. Thank you sooooo much Eleanor rose .
      It's a privilege to have readers like you . Thank you for your advice and I will follow it for sure .


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