2 . Cookies

4 Days ago....

"Honey , where is my blue tie ? I can't find it !!" said James as he was searching his wardrobe frantically.
"It's right there ." said Sue as she stood at the door, hands crossed at her chest.
" Where ???? I can't find it !!!"said James tossing out other ties .
"Oh dear.........just take a deep breath and calm down ." said Sue as she picked up the blue tie from the suitcase and tied it around James' neck. " You're gonna be just fine.....don't get stressed . I know you're gonna get that deal for sure,  just be yourself."she smiled and kissed his forehead.

James was now staring into her eyes . Her eyes were ocean blue and James felt as if he would drown in them . Little by little all the nervousness , all the stress , all the worries he had, disappeared as he looked deeper into her eyes. He felt as if he could stare at them all his life and never get tired. Sue had something magical in her, something special that made him feel alive. Something that could take away all his fears and problems and that's what James loved about her. Standing in his bedroom while staring in her eyes , James felt as if he was falling in love with her again. That's right he would fall in love with her over and over again and never get tired.
"Hello? Mr. Dreamy........ Aren't you getting late ?" said Sue, snapping him out of his thoughts.
James glanced at his watch and exclaimed,
"Golly !!!! I'm late !!!!!"
He dashed towards the door picking up his suitcase and  bag to leave. The taxi he had called for was already at their door. James stopped midway as if he had remembered something  and turned back to see his wife following him to bid him goodbye.
"Before I leave , promise me that you'll take care of yourself and ............................ make chocolate cookies for me when I return." he said grinning widely.
"Sure !" she replied and kissed him goodbye.
Sue smiled and waved him for the last time as James got into the taxi. She stood there watching  until the the taxi disappeared along with the road.

Who knew that it was the last time she saw her husband.

Sue closed the door as a thought of what she had promised her husband a few minutes ago struck her mind.

"Good heavens ! How am I going to bake chocolate cookies !" she exclaimed in distress as she realized how bad her baking skills were. Sue was a really good cook but , when it came to baking...... things would always go out of hand. James was the one who always did the baking stuff. She had tried baking a couple of times before , but the result was always a perfect disaster. Last time when she  tried baking a cake for their anniversary, she had set the microwave on fire. And now these chocolate cookies were a great challenge before her. She had watched James making them a couple of times so maybe things would turn better this time...............she thought to herself.
She also wanted to impress her husband with her baking skills and so decided to practice making cookies these 4 days while James was out. Satisfied with her decision, Sue grabbed her coat and purse as she set out to get the ingredients. The super market wasn't that far away and so she decided to walk her way upto the store.
It was quite cold outside and it seemed as if it would snow anytime. Sue pulled her coat tight and  rubbed her hands to warm herself as a cool breeze blew past her. The sun had already set and it was getting dark. She smiled to herself as she checked the contents of her bag. She had bought Belgium chocolate , eggs, milk, flour, and a baking recipe book so that she wouldn't go wrong this time. She was going to make the best cookies for her beloved husband.

As she was thinking she came across a Pawn shop on her way back. Sue never had any interest in this shop but something had caught her eye this time.  It was a black metallic Crucifix . It was very beautiful with intricate designs on it . It was quite bigger than the one at her grandfather's place and it was even more detailed and enchanting in some way. She felt as if the crucifix was calling her as she peered through the display glass.Sue always wanted to have one for herself anyway and so decided to buy it. 


  1. Lets reveal the mystery together. Also stay tuned for the further part which will be released shortly.


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