6 . Valuable Sacrifice

Sue sat on her bed biting her lip as she recalled the previous night's events. She could not believe herself as all the events seemed total bizarre................was she going crazy ? But that didn't explain the Serpent mark on her neck...................... She was confused but more than that she was scared. The way James' face changed into that horrible creature had made her heart skip a beat. She was experiencing unimaginable things , things that were far away from any kind of fantasy .Even if she tried telling someone , no one would believe her let alone help. The only person who could soothe her was James , but at this moment he was miles away...........and even if he tried to come back he could not make it before nightfall. Sue dialed James' number on her cellphone and placed it near her ear, waiting for him to answer. Even if he wasn't by her side , his words could always soothe her. The line clicked on the other side and Sue spoke first,
"Hello James ? "
But instead of his voice, Sue heard her own voice. Sue hung up and called him again but, the same thing happened. Every time she called him , she could hear herself repeat the sentences that she spoke. Maybe it was some network error...................But Sue couldn't give up , she was really desperate to talk with him..................
There was a Telephone downstairs in the living room , she could use that.....................but after the previous night she could not bring herself downstairs. But she wanted to make a phone call right away and so made up her mind to do the same.
Sue stopped at the hallway eyeing all the mess in the living room. The glass shards were right there in their place, undisturbed on the floor. That sight brought back visions from last night making her knees weak. She hesitated for a moment but then moved forward carefully avoiding the glass splinters. Although she stepped on some of them , she managed to reach the telephone. She punched the numbers in and called James but this time instead of her own voice she heard the voice of the phantom from last night. Sue froze as he spoke ,
"You can't escape from me ! After all you are my valuable sacrifice" He said followed by a scary laugh .
 Sue threw the receiver on the floor as she ran towards the door . She turned the door knob with all her strength and rushed outside only to find herself back into her bedroom. That shouldn't have happened ! She was supposed to be out of the house. She ran downstairs again dashing towards the exit only to return again into her bedroom.Sue fell on her knees as she realized that she was locked in her own house . Wait, there was still one option ........... the WINDOW ! she thought as she dashed towards the window. But the window was locked too , she could not open it. She banged her fists on the window hoping some passerby would notice her. But the people continued on with their jobs without taking any notice of her..... It seemed as if they could not see or hear her. Sue fell on her bed in tears as the man's voice ringed in her ears.


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