Mark sipped his coffee as he sat at the counter,legs crossed wondering about his love life. He was in his mid-twenties and helped his dad run a little pawn shop that his dad owned. He would usually be out gambling at some club but when his father was out he would look after their shop. This time too his father was out on some urgent business and he had to take over his place at the shop. Mark's father wanted him to take over the shop after him and continue their family business but Mark had different plans.................................he wanted to open a casino of his own. His father naturally thought that it was a stupid idea and would never work but Mark wouldn't give up. Moreover his love life was miserable. He never had any luck with girls. Whenever he took a girl out for a date something terrible would happen and he would end up miserable every single time.


The bell clinked, signalling that there was a customer. Mark got up setting his coffee aside and straightened his shirt, ready to greet the customer. He glanced at his watch as it displayed the numbers 8:00 on it. It was quite late and it was snowing outside. Usually there would be no customers at this hour , but there was one today. The door opened and a lady entered in carrying a shopping bag in her hand. The sight of the new customer made Mark's jaw drop in awe. She was a brunette with rosy cheeks and ocean blue eyes. The way she dusted the snow off her coat was the perfect epitome of grace. She seemed to be in her late twenties. She was the perfect girl for him , the one he had wished for so long. For the first time Mark felt that looking after the shop was indeed a good idea. He could ask her for coffee this weekend or maybe for a movie, soon they would start dating and finally Mark would have a successful love life. Thousands of thoughts crossed his mind as he continued looking at her as she set her shopping bags aside and walked towards the counter. Mark could hear his heart throbbing as she approached the counter and set her hands on the table. Something shined at Mark's eyes and when he looked down what it was, all of his dreams shattered in an instant.She had a wedding ring............................... too bad she was already taken. Mark's heart sank as he blamed his fate. Fate had always been this cruel towards him. What could he do but blame his fate alone..........

Mark forced a smile on his face and greeted his new customer,
" Good Evening Madam , how can I help you ?"
The brunette smiled and replied,
" Good Evening, I would like to buy the Crucifix from the display shelf."
Her voice was velvet smooth and her smile totally irresistible . Mark quickly turned his face away so as to hide his red cheeks. His heart was still throbbing, only more louder this time.WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN ALL THE TIME ? he thought as he picked up the crucifix from the shelf.
" This one ? " he asked.
" Yes, that's the one."she replied as her eyes sparkled with joy.
Mark packed it up and placed in it in a black bag with the shop's logo on it. He placed the bag on the counter and stated its price. The brunette's eyes were still glistening like that of a child at the sight of candy. She paid the amount and Mark handed her the bill. Mark wanted to stop her as she began to leave but stayed still in his place.
" Thank you and visit again !!" he said as the door closed hoping he would see her once again.

Sue walked on the deserted street that led to her house. She looked up at the sky , it had stopped snowing and the sky had cleared out a while ago when she was at the shop. It was a full moon night .
She smiled to herself as a memory came up. James loved full moon and that was the day when he had proposed her for the wedding. Sue was snapped out of her thoughts by a dog's bark. It was Mike , the neighbour's dog. He would often break loose when his master was asleep and roam on the streets. Sue was familiar with him and also took him out for a walk when his master was not well. But today it seemed as if  he did not recognize her and kept barking at her. Something was definitely wrong with him.

" Hey Mike its me, Sue , don't you know ? whats wrong boy ?" she said as she stepped forward to pat his head. But the dog growled and backed away from her and kept barking at the little black bag in her hand. Sue clutched the bag to her chest as the dog tried to pounce on it. As she held the bag close to her bosom , she felt a strange energy rising within her. Her skin grew pale and her pupils dilated turning her once blue eyes black.
The dog continued barking at her ferociously as she bent down placing a finger on her lips. She bent down to the dog's height and whispered " ssssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!"
The dog dropped on the street lifeless as she regained her posture and looked up to the sky. The moon had turned red. She smirked and continued walking towards her house.


  1. Hello people !! I hope you're enjoying the story so far. Each new episode of this story is uploaded on Friday . So stay tuned for the next part and don't forget to comment down below about how you feel about this story. Also have a great day.

  2. Also I need you guys to help me in increasing the number of audience by sharing the link with your friends.


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